workload based security across cloud platforms

Carbon Cloud can deliver solutions based on the HyTrust suite which deliver a vital set of capabilities that secure the most fundamental part of your infrastructure – the workload.
Carbon Cloud adopt HyTrust’s Cloud Security Policy Framework, which allows organisations to automate the creation, application and enforcement of security policies.
HyTrust’s solution suite allows us to design cyber-security solutions, based on the workload, that allow risk to be reduced both inside and outside your organisation. Encryption is applied based on policy and compliance and the risk of human error is removed.
Lock down your virtual servers and cloud infrastructure with CloudControl. Carbon Cloud can help you integrate 2FA, root password vaulting and deploy deep role and object based access control.
CloudControl hardens the virtual environment and prevents breaches related to compromised credentials or rogue users.
DataControl is a unique platform for encrypting any virtual workload across any environment; on premises, private, public or hybrid. DataControl ensures that encryption policy is enforced throughout the entire lifecycle of a workload.
Integtration with Intel AES-NI means near-full offload of encryption overhead and supports Zero Downtime dynamic encryption, meaning a workload never has to come off line to be encrypted or re-keyed.
Use policy and encryption to smart-tag workloads to specific servers, cluster or even server groups. BoundaryControl provides a powerful yet efficient solution for data-sovereignty requirements and allows organisations to geo-fence workloads as required by their security / compliance policies.
Integration with Intel TXT chipset technology provides hardware root of trust.
Eliminate privileged account misuse
Remove infrastructure air gaps
Simplify audit and compliance
Prevent accidental downtime
Automated encryption for multi-cloud
Retain private ownership of keys
Protect workloads in-flight between clouds
Near-zero encryption overhead
Data decrypts only on specific hosts
Ensure that the host can be trusted
Logically restrict VMs to selected trusted hosts
VMs run only on specific hosts and geo-locations
Workload Security for Financial Services
HyTrust Resources
Carbon Cloud have developed a focused cyber-security and encryption proposition for the Financial Services sector. This proposition uses the pre-built templates included with the HyTrust suite to meet compliance requirements for regulations such as GDPR, SOX, PCI-DSS and others.
We help businesses in the banking and financial services sector to meet the highest levels of authentication, separation of duties, compliance enforcement and workload protection.
Click the image below to download our one-page introduction to how Carbon Cloud and HyTrust can help.